Discover why Kendall Square is known as the Most Innovative Square Mile on Earth. From the telephone to the microwave oven, Cambridge has participated in the invention of a surprising number of everyday objects. Email, Radar technology, guidance chips, and the woven cotton firehose were all born in the same ten-block radius that boasts the flagship organization of the Human Genome Project, pioneers of ‘the cloud’ and streaming video, and the advent of Zipcar.
We walk past offices of Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, and the world’s most important research sites for genomics, cancer, and artificial intelligence. Science geeks will be in heaven. And for those who haven't spent hours on Youtube watching robots-- prepare to have your mind blown. This tour delves into the cutting-edge of the current science to show you what the history books will look like twenty years from now.

150 Broadway/CIC
“Entrepreneur Walk of Fame”Kendall Hotel/Firehouse
Former Daggett Chocolate Factory
Broad Institute of Technology (Lobby only, M-F 9-5)
Whitehead Institute (flagship of Human Genome Project)
Akamai/Danny Lewin Park
Technology Square
McGovern Institute for Brain Research
Koch Center for Integrative Cancer Research
Stata Center
MIT Media Lab

Private tours begin at $300, which covers up to 10 guests for up to two hours.
For tours longer than two hours, groups under 10 guests are $150 per hour per guide.
For customized tours in groups larger than 10, please contact us for pricing.
This tour is designed to either blend seamlessly with our Tour of MIT, or to be done back to back!
Tours of the CIC can be arranged for smaller groups, pending availability from the CIC. We recommend you contact them directly, but we are happy to reach out ourselves if you prefer.

We Can't...
Unfortunately, we cannot include any “insider” tours of the tech and biotech companies in Kendall Square. The companies and laboratories in Kendall Square are active, working, and often sanitized laboratories which would have difficulty functioning if they allowed tour companies inside. If you care to arrange something directly through the companies, we would be delighted to accompany you to and from the location within the timeframe of the tour, or as needed.
This tour is a walking tour, and not recommended as a path for a Step-On Tour.